We have a youthful, flexible organisation, supported by cutting-edge design and production tools: this assures us an excellent human and technological platform for investment.

Engineering, times and methods for determining production equipment and cost controls. “Process engineering”: Technical department, Product development, Industrialisation.
As soon as we receive a new project from the client, we analyse the materials required for it, on the basis of market availability. We then fabricate a small sample – i.e. a prototype run for the client to review and test at his premises; after which, we produce a pre-series (PPAP series) to test the production itself.
Only when the client has signed off the project do we launch series production.
The parts are machined using 2D and 3D programs and logged into the system to code them; they then move on to the subsequent processing and quality control.
Industrialisation demands a different approach from prototyping. Industrialisation has the aim of optimising production processes to ensure that they are simple and repeatable without compromising the performance of the part itself.
This ensures high speed, high quality production and guaranteed costs.

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The client should be aware that not everything he proposes as a CAD design can actually be produced. There are industrialisation methods that are often able to improve the cost and quality targets.

Contact us for info or general inquiries.