The R&D Department is responsible for finding innovative concepts for new STA 2000 products by leveraging the company's know-how and experience.

It is thus very important to maintain close relations with universities and private research centres. This keeps us up to date with the most recent developments in materials, production processes and technologies.
Research and innovation are also supported by our participation at international events and trade fairs, at which are able to get a good overview of the market and exchange ideas with other operators and clients.
It is thus important to work in close collaboration with the Sales Department.


"The challenges that every day the market proposes to us, stimulate and nourish our curiosity. An innovative idea is always born from the observation and the "listening" of the surrounding environment: the dialogue with all the departments of the company, with the customers and the research centres contributes to the realization of a new product "

The STA 2000 Sales Department has the important role of keeping the company's image alive and up to date. They do so by continually looking for new clients and maintaining relations with existing clients and vendors.

The challenges we face every day in the marketplace stimulate and grow our COMPETENCY. An innovative idea is always born from close contact with the environment: dialogue with our in-house departments, with clients and with research centres all enable us to develop new concepts.
The department is also responsible for managing orders and client and vendor tenders, both in Italy and abroad.

contact us

“Finding new clients and building close relations with existing ones are essential to STA 2000. Our long-term clients often give us ideas for continuos improving ”

Contact us for info or general inquiries.