Laser cutting produces edges without burrs, reduces the thermal effect on the material and provides tolerance of +/- 0.1 mm. It is possible to make 2D and 3D cuts on iron, steel, stainless and aluminium panels, with thicknesses from 0.3 to 20 mm.

The method provides thermal metal sheet cutting with excellent precision, capable of making all types of parts as specified in the CAD drawing.
Laser cutting works on the principle of the moving lens: the sheet itself remains stationary while the laser moves over it according to the path programmed in the technical drawing. This ensures excellent precision, even on thicker materials.


“Laser technology assure high precision, efficiency and flexibility. These are key to providing high quality products with a fast turnaround.”

The bending department bends parts in accordance with the specifications of the drawing. The CNC bending machine bends the part as programmed, after which it is sent to the next process.

Bending deforms the sheet, which is placed on a die with a V-shaped recess.
The wedge-shaped punch drives the sheet down into the recess, bending it to the angle specified in the client’s drawing.
The bending machine is a Bystronic CNC unit which is both modern and easy to program thanks to its user-friendly software, and has the advantage of being able to set its operating parameters autonomously.
Bending is often used for making pre-series prototypes.


“High quality machines are key to the quality of our work. But the collaboration and team work of our machining departments is just as important.”

This is the mechanical adjustment department, which assembles new dies for STA 2000 itself and its clients. .The department is also responsible for servicing dies which are already in production, and monitoring their performance in real time.

The tooling department employs the best technicians, committed to growing the company’s know-how.

Fine blanking, introduced about 5 years ago, enables us to obtain a moulded part profile with the same finish as a CNC machine, but with the advantage that fine blanking is much faster. This technology can be used on thicknesses of 3 to 15 mm, and for many components in a wide range of applications.
Fine blanking is a relatively new technique in blanking technology It enables us to produce, in a single pass and at very low cost, parts with finished cut surfaces, so that they do not need further finishing.
The difference between the fine blanking die and a conventional die is due to the type of die and the press to which it is mounted: conventional presses apply force downwards, while the fine blanking press works in the opposite direction, with the die moving upwards. This makes a difference to the alignment and precision of the process, resulting in much more accurate cutting.


"Our fine blanking, your special components"

Our welding department uses both welding robots, which do TIG / MIG / MAG welding automatically, and manual welding, done by highly specialised welders.

Cold wire TIG welding Tungsten Inert Gas works by either fusing the metal or adding filler (the latter is called TIG welding). The operator uses a keypad to set the programs used by the CNC machine in welding the parts. Once the tool is mounted, the system uploads the program and the machine runs the welding program automatically, thus assuring OUTSTANDING PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY.
We also provide welding with MIG ROBOTS to WIRE welding and pulsed MAG welding.
In the robot wire welding process, 5 welding islands provide excellent efficiency due to their very high SPEED, PRECISION AND QUALITY. The operator mounts the part onto the jig, which then moves the part under the robot for welding. These are extremely versatile systems: any one system, depending on the jig and the welding program, can weld parts of the most varied size and shape.
The welded part is inspected visually, and samples are then checked using a control gauge. If the run passes the controls, the parts are sent to the finished parts bin or downline processing.
Some small series products are welded manually and not by robot: the parts are mounted to the jig and then welded by hand using a welding generator. This allows the welder himself to inspect the part he is welding in process.

When the parts arrive at Quality Control, welds are controlled once more, to check their penetration. This, which is required by the certifications demanded in some applications, like railway equipment, is done using special controls like macrography.

Another small department handles boring and tapping, for drilling, threading, chamfering and milling parts.


“A good welder must be highly skilled and experienced: he must be precise and be familiar with the type of welding required for a given product.”

Parts requiring surface treatment, such as galvanising or coating, are sent to third party vendors, after which they are controlled and assembled by us, then packed and sent off the client.

This activity, which consists of similar processes in all cases, does not require special machinery, except for a robotic island for assembling repetitive series.
All assembly is thus manual or semi-automatic. This is where kits are assembled, products packaged, and packages labelled and shipped out.
Assembly can be done in two ways:
1- by making up a kit: the part coming from production is packed with the necessary fasteners and other small parts for assembly by the client when he installs the part;
2- by completing assembly and packaging in-house.


“Consider a transmission shaft: it is a very complicated object, and its production involves the entire plant, from blanking to welding and laser cutting. It arrives at assembly after galvanisation. This is where the parts provided by the client to complete the product are assembled to the shaft.”

The Quality Department runs controls on parts as they come into and leave the factory. The Quality Department thus acts as the metrology lab, and controls parts for conformity with the client's drawing prior to shipping.

The Quality Department also plays an essential role in prototyping: before series production starts, a pre-series batch is produced (the PPAP – Production Part Approval Process – batch), to verify all drawing specified dimensions before the production cycle is signed off. Not only must the part conform to the drawing, but it must be made with planned and controlled processes at every step, so that at the end of pressing, welding and tumbling, the finished product satisfies the functional specifications of applicable standards. This type of process is used in the automotive supply chain to establish trust in component vendors and their production processes, by demonstrating that all design requisites and technical specifications have been understood by the vendor and that his process has the capacity to actually produce the product.
Parts are controlled with a variety of instrument, from the simplest – like a Vernier calliper – to 3D control machines, like the Exagon, which works with the “point-to-point” method, which touches one point on the surface, then moves a set distance and controls a second point, or the Zeiss, which scans the entire surface continuously. Other instruments include:
– roughness meters, to measure the roughness of the surface;
– hardness meters to measure the hardness, since this characteristic can be compromised by pressing and other processes;

A variety of parts are handled by the Quality Department: flat 2D parts from laser cutting, or pressed parts, which are more complicated and harder to measure, which are bent and drilled on the side.
If the product does not pass quality control, a non-conformity protocol is launched. A team decides how to proceed: the part is submitted to the technical office by the project leader, and the die or downline machining programme is modified.
The Quality Department also maintains relations with the client, both during the initial discussions which define the control plans, and in case of claims.

contact us

"Quality control is a key step in the production process, since it guarantees conformity with the client's quality specifications.”

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